Starting anything isn't easy, and the same goes for starting a "successful" food blog. Although it's not an easy task, being passionate, enthusiastic, and energetic about food, cooking, and all that can be a good starting point. Things like that you are on the king run when success doesn't seem so clear. To add to your arsenal, you might want to get some dedication, guidance, and a little touch of interest.
Without further ado, let's delve into the whole roadmap of being a successful food blogger, so you can have a clue what to expect:
Step 1: Start by choosing your food blog niche
There are so many things to talk about food. The food itself is broad. Vegetables, junks, cereals, proper meals, etc., are all different sections of food that one can talk about. Choosing a niche is settling on that single specific food topic your want to be talking about in your entire blog. Once you choose that topic or set of topics, you're good to move to the next step.
Step 2: Pick your blogging platform.
Next, you want to pick a specific blogging platform on which you will have all your blog posts. There are different blogging platforms out there to choose from (both paid and free). Search for the one that works best for you and go for it.
Step 3: Think of a domain name
A domain name is like your house address. If someone wants to visit you, they'll need your house address. Same for your blog. Your domain name is the house address for your blog. You have to come up with a domain name that's easy to remember, that matches with the blog, and is easy to pronounce. That way, you'll stay top of your audience's minds.
Step 4: Choose your web hosting provider
Okay, your domain name is like your house address right? If that's the case, then think of your hosting provider as the house. You've got the home's address, you need the house. So go for an authentic, trustworthy web hosting provider that meets your need and suits your pocket.
Step 5: SetUp
Now, you have gotten the house, set it up. Just like you'll take time out to put things in other when you enter your new apartment, you want to set things up in your blog. The home page, the about page, the contact page, the page outline, the theme etc. Make sure everything is in place as tasteful as you would want it.
Step 6: Create a content plan
Creating a content plan simply means coming up with a content calendar. Just like you have a meal calendar where you know what to eat on specific days, you need a content calendar to know what contents you should put up in your blog, how often, when, etc. This helps you build consistency. And on the flip side, your audience will get used to knowing your content schedule, and will always anticipate it.
Step 7: Promote your food blog
If you wink a lady in dark, what do you expect? Nothing. She's not going to respond because you're the only one who knows what you're doing.
Once you have your food blog up, blow your trumpet and let your target audience know what you have to offer. Let them see that you're doing something, and they'll like it. Utilize social media handles, influencers, and networks to push your blog out. Once your blog gets last this first stage, all you need do is sail.
Step 8: Monetize your food blog
You spent time and energy building this amazing food blog, you should have some gains from it too. So, you'll have to come up with Monetization methods to earn some bucks from your blog. Popular blogging monetization method includes affiliate marketing, influencer marketing, ads, mentorship programs, membership site, courses. Again, only do what you know will work best for you.
Do food bloggers make money?
Of course, yes. Food bloggers make a decent amount of money. Many of them earn living from their blogs. Just like we said earlier, as a food blogger, you can choose any of the monetization methods to earn money from your blog and begin to earn. It could be affiliate marketing, influencer marketing, ads, mentorship, courses, consulting, you might even sell your food recipes, etc. It's a whole business in itself. It's that lucrative.
Is it worth starting a food blog?
Blogging is one lucrative industry, and food blogging is one of the best niches. Everyone has to eat, and they need the best meal at that. Cooks want to always come up with innovative ways to go around their meals and sharpen their skills. Also, there are a wide array of topics to cover, so you will never run out of them, they're always there at your beck and call.
How do I start a food blog for free?
Starting a blog for free isn't difficult. It's as easy as ABC. Once you're set to begin your journey into the food blog jungle, follow the steps outlined earlier in this article, apart from one step. Yeah, skip one step. That step is step number 2 which has to do with picking a blogging platform.
Since youngest to start for free, instead of picking just any laid blogging platform, you would want to pick free blogging platforms. There are tons of free blogging platforms out there, depending on your choice. For me, the three free blogging platforms I recommend to people are; Medium, YouTube, and your social media handle. These platforms have no hidden charges and would never charge you in future. However, they have their downsides, so you don't want to be there for too long.