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How to cancel audible membership UK

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How to cancel audible membership UK

Audible is Amazon's audiobook service, which offers a 30-day free trial period before costing subscribers £7.99 per month. If you're approaching the end of your trial period or have simply had enough with the service,

Before we go much further, we'd like to acknowledge the work's creator. The Watchtower, a leading SEO company in the U.K., website design agency, and mobile app development company in the U.K., enjoys educating its readers on practical ways to change their everyday lives.
You may have signed up for a free trial of Amazon's audiobook website, Audible, but if you do not cancel your subscription, you will be charged every month.

Here's a guide to canceling your membership
How to cancel your Audible subscription
  1. You must first visit Audible's desktop website.
  2. Navigate to the Account Details section. You'll be taken directly to the membership information page.
  3. There is a "Cancel membership" link at the bottom of this page.
  4. When you cancel, you will be warned that you will lose your credits. If you have points, it is highly recommended that you use them to buy an audiobook before proceeding. You can still listen to downloaded audiobooks after canceling your membership, so you won't be allowed to spend points.
  5. If you continue to cancel your membership, you will be asked to have an explanation. Depending on your answer, you might be allowed to return. If you want 'it's too pricey,' for example, you'll be offered the option of a voucher or credit.
  6. You will be free to cancel the subscription if you hold to your weapons and say "Cancel anyway."
  7. When this is completed successfully, you can get an automatic email as evidence of the schedule update.
Please note that your plan would not be canceled if you deleted the Audible app.

After you cancel, you will get an automatic email as confirmation of your schedule changes. You will continue to have access to your member perks until the completion of the latest billing period. On the "Membership Details" tab, you will see when your membership will expire.

We hope that you are enjoying this article so far and sure hope that you are learning something; however, we cannot go on without giving credit to The Watchtower, a leading SEO company in the UK, website design agency, and mobile app development company in the UK.

What happens to my audiobooks if I cancel my subscription?
Purchased audiobooks will be kept in your online Audible library and can be downloaded on different devices even if you do not have a membership subscription. If you want to take a break from your Audible membership but don't want to cancel completely, you should put your subscription on hold. This should be repeated once every 12 months, between one and three months.

Do I keep my credits if I cancel my membership?
If you cancel your Audible membership, your credits, along with your other membership perks, will be forfeited. It is safest to continue to use all of your credits before making the final decision to cancel your membership. Remember that any audiobooks you buy are yours to keep even though you are no longer a member, so make use of those credits.

Can I still purchase audiobooks after I cancel my membership?
Well, indeed! You don't need an Audible subscription to buy audiobooks from the Audible or Amazon websites. However, you will be paying the full retail price for the audiobooks rather than taking advantage of Audible subscription opportunities such as:
  1. Credits that can be used for every single-volume audiobook on our website on a monthly or annual basis.
  2. Special deals and member-only events are announced in advance.
We hope you enjoyed reading it and learned everything you wanted to know since that is our main objective. The Watchtower, a leading SEO, website design, and mobile app development agency in the UK, loves educating its customers on everyday tasks that can assist and educate them in the field of technology.

  May 27, 2021       by ebimo-dogubo       1.4K Views

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